Slow Down, Man

50. Learnings from Life as a Travelling Monk - feat. Ananda Murari

Mitch Lagadin

Our guest today has a fascinating story (and possible the most calming voice on the planet).... He got to a point where he had everything he really wanted, but  was anxious and dissatisfied… So he sought solitude and lived and traveled with monks across America in a van (as one does).

We go deep on what he took away from this wild experience. Especially on the topic of emotions.

The power of asking ourselves “how do we look at our emotions" and shifting our perspective to one where we allow them to move and flow. In experiencing what we are experiencing.

We get into whether it is possible to hold space for others emotions if we are not holding space for our own...

Why emotions in a way, are like a colorful beach ball that we are trying to push underwater (fricken love this analogy).

The power of finding "harmony" in conflicting  ideas and not jumping to extremes.

How “being with an emotion” looks different for everybody. For some it's sitting in silence, for others it's going for a run. And how the key question is “am I doing this to run away from” or “am I doing this to embrace”.

As well as some of the practical things Ananda took from his experience as a monk. I.e. how to design your own spiritual practice and the power of ritual.


To connect with Ananda Murari:

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